Naomi Carmon
Professor of Urban Planning and Sociology, Emerita
Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 32000, Israel
Sego building, Room #604
Office phone: +972-4-8294075
Cell phone: +972-52-2614045
ResearchGate Page
Google Scholar Page
A Brief Introduction
Naomi Carmon is an urban planner and sociologist; she is Professor Emerita (non-retired) at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. For more than forty years she has been a member of the Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning, served as Vice-Dean for Research and Graduate studies, Head of the Division of Urban and Regional Planning, and Chair of the Center for Urban and Regional Study. She is past-President of ISS – Israeli Sociological Society. She won a Lifetime Achievement Award – 2016 distinguished Planner – of Israel Planners Association. She currently supervises PhD and MSc students, is the co-principal researcher in several funded research projects, advises (pro-bono) public agencies and NGOs, is a member of several Technion committees and serves as the Technion Commissioner for Preventing Sexual Harassment and Promoting Respectful Conduct (since 2010).
Naomi Carmon is a researcher, teacher, writer, advisor of graduate students and consultant to public and civic organizations. Her research, teaching and academic leadership are founded on multidisciplinary education in Sociology (BA, Hebrew University in Jerusalem), Behavioral and Management Sciences (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology) and Urban Planning (MIT, MA USA; Technion, Israel). Inspired by distinguished professors at MIT, including Herbert Gans, Lloyd Rodwin and Lisa Peattie, in Israel of the 1970’s she established the academic field that connects sociological knowledge and methodology with urban planning. Her work has been directed both towards expanding the theoretical understanding of social attitudes and behavior in urban contexts, and developing tools for policy makers and planners. She is especially proud of the 65 graduate students who conducted their theses and dissertations for MSc, PhD and Post Doc with her as an advisor.
Professor Carmon’s writings include books (English and Hebrew) and more than 230 other publications, including refereed articles, chapters in books, monographs, and research reports. Focusing on urban justice, she has studied urban regeneration, housing policy, urban resilience, social capital and community development, and the quality of life of minorities and immigrants. She also specializes in sustainable urban development, particularly water-sensitive planning. Her recent book, co-edited with Susan Fainstein, is Policy and Planning: Promoting Justice in Urban Development. She has conducted commissioned research and consulting work for governmental ministries (including Housing and Construction, Interior, Infrastructure and Environmental Protection), municipalities, other public bodies and NGOs. She often served and is serving as a member of public-professional committees appointed by the government of Israel, large municipalities, and civic organization.
Naomi Carmon was appointed Visiting Professor and Visiting Scholar at MIT – Massachusetts Institute of Technology (three times during three different decades), UCLA – University of California in Los Angeles, UBC – University of British Columbia in Canada and the University of Auckland in New Zealand, in addition to Tel-Aviv University and Haifa University in Israel. She travels widely and has been invited to lecture in universities and conferences in many countries, across five continents.
A Lifelong Achiecement Award 2016
Citation translated from Hebrew